Freedom of Information
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, you have the right to request information from the University of Leeds.
Find out what you need to do, what you can expect from us and any exemptions to that right of access.
Before submitting a request
A wide range of information about the University of Leeds is already published online, so you may not need to make a FOI request. You may find it helpful to look at:
- Term Dates - terms, semesters, examination dates and dates the University will be closed
- Almanac - key University dates for the academic session, updated during the year
- Equality Policy Unit - information regarding staff and student equality data
- Key policies and our Governance structure
- Course Search - information on our courses
- Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) - information about University Staff
- Information for Suppliers - information on how to become a supplier for the University
- Data Protection Pages - information which relates to you personally. This cannot be released under the FOI Act
- Student Services Centre - for replacement certificates, authentication or verification of awards.
We also publish information as part of our publication scheme, which includes some of information listed above, plus our annual report and accounts, expense data, research we fund and details of our staff and structure.
How to submit an FOI request
Email the Freedom of Information officer via
Information published on the University website is free to access in that format. This is subject to any copyright restrictions as noted in our legal notices.